Begrænsede interviews og en skarp adskillelse af privat og professionelt liv har været med til at skabe myten om Karl Lagerfeld. Nu har magasinet Harper's Bazaar fået Lagerfeld til at fortælle, hvordan en dag i hans liv forløber. Og det er underholdende læsning.

Se hvad Karl Lagerfeld får sin dag til at gå med nedenfor. Især hans indtag af Diet Coke ("from the minute I get up to the minute I go to bed") vækker opsigt, ligesom hans aktuelle valg af beklædning - jakker fra Dior, jeans fra egen kollektion - imponererer. Læs med her:

8:00 A.M. I sleep seven hours. If I go to bed at two, I wake up at nine. If I go to bed at midnight, I wake up at seven. I don't wake up before—the house can fall apart, but I sleep for seven hours. I wear a long, full-length white shirt, in a material called poplin imperial, made for me by Hilditch & Key in Paris after a design of a 17th-century men's nightshirt I saw at the Victoria and Albert Museum.

The first thing I do when I get up, I have breakfast. I have two protein shakes made for me by my doctor--they have a chocolate taste and no sugar, of course—and steamed apples. That's all. I don't like anything else in the morning. I never drink anything hot; I don't like hot drinks, very strange. I drink Diet Coke from the minute I get up to the minute I go to bed. I can even drink it in the middle of the night, and I can sleep. I don't drink coffee, I don't drink tea, I drink nothing else.

I do most of my reading in the morning. I have a special canopy for that, near the window, where I can see the Louvre and the Seine. I only read, look at books, and sketch. And daydream—daydreaming's important too. At night there are the dreams too, but I don't have too many. I read the French, English, and some American papers, some German papers, Women's Wear—quite a lot. I read on paper; I prefer that.

11:00 A.M. I have my hair done because I hate to have hair in my face when I sketch. My hair is not really white; it's kind of grayish, and I don't like the color. So I make it totally white with Klorane dry shampoo. That is the best thing to do because my hair is always clean.

12:00 P.M. I don't get dressed and take a bath until lunchtime because I am doing a dirty job, painting with colors. So I wear my long nightshirt; it becomes kind of like a painter's smock, then it goes to the laundry. I have everything—sheets and nightshirt and robes—changed every day. I like everything to be washable, myself included. I like antique lace, antique sheets, beautiful quilted covers, but everything is white. In white you can hide nothing. Most people don't use this kind of sheets and things because it's very difficult and very expensive for the upkeep. But it's such a pleasure to go to bed in the evening in a beautiful bed with beautiful sheets and beautiful pillows, everything flawless, in a freshly pressed, long white smock. It's perfect.

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