Det er fredag, solen skinner og nu er der gudhjælpemig morgenpost. Så bliver det ikke bedre:


How U2 Became the Most Hated Band in America

"The album reportedly cost Apple $100 million, a figure the company is likely to eat. Rather than generating the kind of hype Apple is accustomed to, Songs of Innocencegenerated a huge Twitter backlash, with the company posting a guide on how to remove the album from your library on its support page. Most damningly, Wired’s Vijith Assar called the “devious giveaway” no better than “spam.”"

Det kører for Bono.


Er du typen, der måske er træt af at sidde på dit kontor og gå ned og handle i Netto og ikke rigtig synes det danske landskab rører noget i dig - så skal du ikke se billeder fra den her rejse, hvor to venner kørte over 5.000 miles fra San Francisco nordpå helt op til Alaska. Wauw.


Tjek lige Oh!Behave ud - de udgiver musik og i samarbejde med Frimusik har det netop sendt en kompilation på gaden med danske kvindelige troubadurer. Sejt.


Holy shite. En af de sejeste snowboard-film, jeg har set længe. Det er Burton, der står bag, og i den korte men lækre film følger man Mikey Rencz og Jussi Oksanen i Canadas og Schweiz' backcountry. Det er virkelig lækkert, og vinteren virker nu slet ikke så afskrækkende.


Et ret sjov tanke: Hvis et magasin var en butik, hvordan ville den så se ud?


Miniature Earth.


The New Rules of the 21st-Century Style

"Men who wear ties to the office even though they don't have to are three times as likely to run the office someday as those who don't."

Når det kommer til regler i forhold til påklædning, skal det altid tages med et gran salt. Alligevel rammer Esquire den meget godt med deres gennemgang af god stil og knap så god stil.


We are a camera

"Woodman had the good fortune to invent a product that was well suited to a world he had not yet imagined. The ripening of the technology in his camera, after a half decade of tinkering, coincided with the fruition of broadband and the emergence of YouTube, Facebook, and other social-media platforms for the wide distribution of video. GoPro rode the wave."

Tidligere i år blev GoPro børsnoteret. The New Yorker gransker firmaet og fænomener som oplevelser og hukommelse i en tid med et kamera, der altid optager.


Thanks To Nutella, The World Needs More Hazelnuts

"Ferrero, the Nutella-maker, now a giant company based in Alba, Italy, uses about a quarter of the world’s hazelnut supply — more than 100,000 tons every year. That’s pushed up hazelnut prices. And this year, after a late frost in Turkey that froze the hazelnut blossoms and cut the country’s hazelnut production in half, prices spiked even further. They’re up an additional 60 percent."

What the world is coming to.


"I don’t know how many, like, white people having brunch I can deal with on a Saturday afternoon."

Julian Casablancas er flyttet fra New York på grund af brunch. Jeg forstår ham.


15 career tips from smart women

"I love women who are bosses and who don't constantly worry about what their employees think of them. I love women who don't ask, "Is that OK?" after everything they say. I love when women are courageous in the face of unthinkable circumstances, like my mother when she was diagnosed with stage IV pancreatic cancer. Or like Gabrielle Giffords writing editorials for the New York Times about the cowardice of Congress regarding gun laws and using phrases like "mark my words" like she is Clint Eastwood. How many women say stuff like that?"

Gode råd, kan bruges af både mænd og kvinder.


Det var alt for i dag og for denne uge. Tak fordi du fulgte med. Husk at tage på museum i weekenden. Kunsthal Charlottenborg har en af de absolut bedste magasin- og bogforretninger i København og på SMK er udstillingen med Elmgreen og Dragset netop åbnet. Jeg interviewede dem forresten til Børsen Pleasure, der udkom i sidste uge. Det ligger ikke på nettet, så held og lykke med at finde det.
